Classical and supercritical airfoil in high air humidity flow conditions
Zbigniew Nosal1, Bartosz Olszański1
1Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Department of Aerodynamics
The paper shows the experimental study results for NACA0014 airfoil and SC(2)-0714 supercritical airfoil in varying air humidity conditions.Transonic flow over a classical airfoil is characterized by the occurrence of supersonic flow region enclosed by a shock wave. Under high air humidity conditions the basic transonic flow phenomena is accompanied by a vapour condensation in the low pressure regions directly connected with the heat exchange and multiphase flow occurrence. SC(2)-0714 may be considered as a model airfoil in its class because of wide range of available experimental data. However, it was examined mainly in low temperature wind tunnels, which operating range is restricted solely to dry air because of construction limitations. The results obtained in a IAAM indraft transonic wind tunnel expand the existing knowledge in the field of supercritical airfoil properties. NACA0014 served as a benchmark for identification analysis of phenomena occurring in high humidity
Keywords: Aerodynamics, Experimental techniques
Figure 1:
A series of Schlieren photographs showing the flow around the SC(2)-0714 airfoil for three different air humidity values, angle of attack = 3, Ma